Funding opportunities

Each year, we provide Canada’s ALS research community with opportunities to apply for research funding through the ALS Canada Research Program.

Canadian research efforts have helped to advance treatment discoveries and shed light on the complex genetic, biological, and environmental factors involved in ALS. We will continue to fund the most promising ALS research in Canada to accelerate progress toward reaching our collective vision of a world free of ALS.

Travel Awards Program & Meeting Sponsorship

In addition to funding ALS research projects and initiatives, The ALS Canada Research Program aims to foster international collaboration and support Canada’s presence in the global ALS research community. 

Towards this goal, for nearly 15 years, ALS Canada has provided Travel Awards to support Canadian ALS researchers to attend and present their work at ALS conferences of international scope and significance. 

Additionally, The ALS Canada Research Program accepts requests for sponsorship of meetings that will enhance the capabilities, knowledge, and collaboration of the Canadian ALS research community.

These meetings may include those held in Canada, with a significant involvement of Canadian content or participants, as well as global ALS events where financial support is critical for execution or where ALS Canada’s support would demonstrate the organizations’ connectedness and collaboration toward a world free of ALS.

How do we decide which research projects to fund?

In the Canadian funding landscape, there is more ALS research to fund than money available – making it necessary for ALS Canada to have a proven method for making difficult decisions about which research receives funding.

ALS Canada has always awarded funds based on a peer review process that is continually evolving and being optimized. Known within the scientific community as the gold standard for assessing all types of research, peer review engages independent experts in evaluating the quality and rigour of research papers and proposals.

Terms of Reference and Policies

Terms of Reference and Policies for our Research Grant Program can be accessed below.

Stipulations: Bourse de transition de carrière 2024 de la Société canadienne de la SLA et de la Fondation Brain Canada

Stipulations: Bourses de recherche clinique 2024 de la Societe canadienne de la SLA et de la Fondation Brain Canada

Stipulations: Programme de bourses de decouverte 2024 de la Societe canadienne de la SLA et de la Fondation Brain Canada

Stipulations: Bourses pour stagiaires 2024 de la Societe canadienne de la SLA et de la Fondation Brain Canada

Peer Review
Travel & Meeting Sponsorship
Additional Funding

The following policies apply to all individuals currently receiving research funding through the ALS Canada Research Program. For a complete overview of your grant’s conditions and regulations, please refer to your award offer letter.

Research Grant Reporting