Our Advocacy Approach
Advocating on a federal, pan-Canadian, and provincial (Ontario) level, we build and maintain champions with government, industry and the broader health charities environment in support of the issues that affect people living with ALS.
We advocate for federal funding for ALS research, to better identify treatment targets, support earlier diagnosis and strengthen the environment in Canada to attract further clinical trials and private-sector medical research and development investments.
Working with many stakeholders in the ALS ecosystem including ALS clinicians. individually and through the Canadian ALS Research Network (CALS), researchers, and other ALS organizations, we collaborate on initiatives to expedite drug approval and reimbursement pathways and addressinh the needs of people affected by ALS, sharing our learnings, resources, and tools with the ALS community, building on grassroots initiatives where appropriate and aligned with our advocacy priorities.
We advocate to the Ontario government for expedited and equitable access to approved therapies and appropriate healthcare resources, such as clinical care, personal support workers and equipment.
We also engage at the local level with health care providers and agencies to help the people we support access ser
Empty Space - 7rem
We discussed using mb-5 and mt-5, but the space was not very noticeable on desktop. We also used two empty spaces for desktop: d-none d-md-block and mobile: d-block d-md-none.
Using 7rem (112px) works better for both desktop and mobile views, providing consistent and balanced spacing for our responsive Bootstrap design.