Family holding a framed photograph in memory of their father, sitting on a couch.

On the morning of GivingTuesday, our Vice-President of Fund Development, Chris Pon, sent an email to ALS Canada’s subscribers. His message is so special that we’ve decided to adapt it into a blog post. Plead read Chris’ message below.

Hello all,

I couldn’t sleep much the night before GivingTuesday – too much excitement about the day that would come.

So I sat down at my desk as dawn broke and wrote an email to our community. It’s often in the early morning hours when I reflect on my dad’s life, his passions, and the aching void left behind when ALS took him from us. He may be gone, but I know I can still keep him with me through memories I’ve shared before — of Beach Boys’ melodies echoing down our hallways, the roar of his prized car, “Big Red,” and the love my dad had for every one of us.

Just like the memories I hold dear of my dad, I know you have your reasons to support our cause.

Today, those reasons shine even brighter. Why? Every holiday season, we come together as a community to reflect and share our stories. We know how important this time of year can be, but also how difficult it can be for those of us whose families have been rocked by this devastating disease. For many of us, our families now look different than they used to. And so, our holiday seasons look a little different, too.

We’ve talked about the countless families like mine who’ve had their world changed by ALS, the daily struggle that comes with this relentless disease, and the reality of waking up each day with waves of grief and loss. Today, I urge you to think of these families, your connection to our mission, and how much closer we can get to our goal with your support.

I am the Vice-President of Fund Development at ALS Canada, so I am in a unique position to make this commitment to you: Every time you donate to this organization, I promise you that every penny is immediately put to work. Your generosity, no matter the size, funds:

  • Research: Research is complicated and sometimes moves very slowly. Your dollars help us accelerate the pace at which breakthroughs move from the scientist’s bench to the patient’s bedside.
  • Life-changing support: Your generosity will absolutely and immediately start helping people living with ALS today, funding support programs and educational resources that make living with ALS a little easier.
  • Greatest need: Your donation goes where it’s needed the most, whether essential resources for families or funding for a groundbreaking study.

Every story, every moment, and every memory is a testament to our resolve and everything we can still do despite our aching hearts. And today, we have a tangible opportunity to make a difference.

While I can’t bring back the days of Beach Boys’ harmonies and the carefree rides in “Big Red,” we can move closer to a reality where ALS doesn’t dictate the soundtrack of our lives. I feel like we’re moving the needle, don’t you?

As I wrap up this message, please know that I am incredibly grateful for every single one of you. Let’s seize this moment and, together, make the reality of a world without ALS louder, clearer, and one step closer.

I will be thinking about you and your families this month and sending you my warmest wishes. Thank you again from the deepest corners of my heart.


Chris Pon
Vice-President, Fund Development

ALS Society of Canada

P.S. Please consider making a donation, if you haven’t already. You can do so by clicking here to visit our online donation page.

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