In the summer of 2014, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge hit Canada the moment some of the most prominent Canadian hockey players decided to join the movement. As the viral challenge began to spread, the ALS Society of Canada (ALS Canada) immediately created a donation page to track donations and collaborate with provincial ALS Societies across Canada. In just the first two weeks, more than $5 million had been raised from over 108,000 donors. The momentum continued for another three months as corporate Canada got involved and contributed to the cause.
In total, more than $17.2 million was raised in Canada from August 6 to December 31, 2014, and an additional $10 million was secured from the Brain Canada Foundation for matched funding for research. Over $220 million was raised globally through the Ice Bucket Challenge, with the majority in the U.S. supporting the ALS Association. Per capita, though, Canadians were the most generous of anywhere in the world.