Photo collage of Sam Najjar with text "UNITED for my FATHER" on a purple background.

My name is Sam Najjar and I have personally experienced the impact of ALS. Fourteen years ago, my father was diagnosed with ALS, and our lives were changed forever. Watching him face this disease was incredibly hard, but his strength and resilience have inspired me to join this fight.

June is ALS Awareness Month, and I’m excited to share some amazing news with you. The ALS Society of Canada has set a goal of welcoming 30 new monthly online donors, and your support can make all the difference.

Let me tell you more about this offer, and why it makes our community stronger.

A generous board member from ALS Canada has offered to match your monthly donation for the first three months! This means your gift will have double the impact, reaching more families, and funding crucial programs and support like:

  • Community and virtual programming, including new wellness workshops that are open to anyone across the country.
  • Online support groups that provide comfort and connection.
  • The ALS Canada Canadian ALS Learning Institute (CALI), where people can learn about ALS research and advocacy in a supportive environment.

ALS Canada does not receive government funding making them 100% donor-funded. That means every bit of support is only possible because of donors like us. Believe me when I say, this kind of support helps people like my father every single day.

So, let’s unite in our kindness and support for one another. Together, we will work toward a world free of ALS. As a thank you for your monthly donation, ALS Canada will send you a special free “United in ALS” tote bag.

Thank you for being part of our mission with us. Your support means the world to people and families affected by ALS. My father’s memory lives in every monthly donation I make. I know he would be proud of its impact, funding critical research, advocacy, and community support that will lead to a world free of ALS. All you have to do to join me is use this link and make a monthly commitment right now!

United in ALS,

Sam Najjar

Support the cause

You can make a difference.

Donations help fund groundbreaking ALS research, critical support, information and resources, and life-changing advocacy.

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