Make a donation from the heart

When you make a donation from the heart, you’ll be making a meaningful difference in the lives of people and families living with ALS.

Create an online tribute page
Make a memorial donation
Collect donations at a funeral

Create an online tribute page

In lieu of flowers, you can create a personalized tribute page in memory of your loved one. This is a powerful way for your community to leave messages of love and support and make donations in their memory. Once you have created the tribute page, you can share the link with your friends and family and include it in the obituary.

Make a memorial donation

You can make a single donation in memory of someone special. Simply select that your gift is in memory of someone on our donation form and complete the tribute fields. On the donation form, you will also have the option to send an e-card or to request a printed personalized card be sent to the family of the deceased.

Collect donations at a funeral

In lieu of giving flowers at a funeral, you may wish to ask family and friends to make a donation to ALS Canada in honour of your loved one using our “Gift of Hope” donation envelopes.

To request these donation envelopes, please email us at or call us at 1-800-267-4257 press 3.

In your email please include:

  • Your full name and address
  • Details of the deceased
  • Funeral date
  • Number of envelopes required

Please allow 5-10 days for delivery.

To request these donation envelopes, please email us at or call us at
1-800-267-4257 press 3.

Create or find a tribute pageMake a memorial donation