Invest in a world free of ALS and give the gift of hope for tomorrow.

Sometimes referred to as “planned giving”, “a legacy gift” or a “bequest”, legacy giving is a way to honour a cause near to your heart by leaving a donation in your will. For many, this means donating to a charity that has affected them or a loved one, like ALS has for so many. Legacy donations make a significant impact and are crucial to supporting our vision of a world free of ALS.

Here are some reasons to consider leaving an ALS Canada Lifetime Legacy:

  1. Leaving a gift in your will is a powerful way to honour a loved one and commemorate their memory.
  2. Your gift will allow ALS Canada to continue to invest in the most promising ALS research to develop more proven treatment options and eventually, a cure.
  3. Your gift will support federal and provincial advocacy initiatives that bring the ALS community’s experiences and voice before government to affect and make lasting policy changes.
  4. Your gift will fund programs and services for people and families living with ALS, ensuring they receive the best possible standard of care.
  5. Each bequest is eligible for a tax credit.

There are two common types of bequests:

A residual gift is a share or percentage of your estate that remains after taxes, liabilities, administrative expenses have been paid, and specific bequests to loved ones have been provided for.

For example, your will might state:
“I give the rest, residue and remainder of my estate (or __ % of the residue) to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of Canada (Charitable Registration #10670-8977 RR0002) to be used for the purpose of supporting its highest priority needs.”

A specific gift is a fixed sum of money that would be gifted to ALS Canada. For example, your will might state:

For example, your will might state:
“I give the sum of $ __ to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of Canada (Charitable Registration #10670-8977 RR0002) to be used for the purpose of supporting its highest priority needs.“

Important details

If you are in the process of creating or updating your will with through Willfora, or with your lawyer, here are a few important details that you will need to know to ensure your legacy gift is processed correctly:

Legal name of the Society:

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of Canada

Charitable Tax Number:

10670-8977 RR0002


180 Bloor Street West, Suite 500
Toronto, ON M5S 2V6

Phone Number:


Fax Number:


Lifetime Legacy Leader information request

Want to connect with our team to get more information about planned giving? Fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you soon. Fields marked with a * are mandatory.

Want to connect with our team to get more information about planned giving? Fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you soon. Fields marked with a * are mandatory.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Legacy team for confidential information regarding leaving a gift in your will by email at