$17 million was raised through the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014.
ALS Research:
- $11.5 million went to ALS research from ALS Societies across Canada
- We have seen a 70% INCREASE in grant applications through the ALS Canada Research Program
- By October 2015 $12.9 MILLION to be invested in research grants and programs
Client services:
- $4.4 million went to client services across Canada
- Each provincial society directly supports clients living with ALS in their communities
Processing fees
- 6% to administer the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Increased awareness of ALS through the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge resulted in:
- $10 million matching grant for research by Brain Canada
- April 21, 2015, the Government of Canada announced that the compassionate care benefit (CCB) may be extended from six to 26 weeks. It was announced in the budget for an anticipated implementation in 2016. If the Government of Canada implements the extension, caregivers may have up to $13,624 they can access, where previously it was $3,144.
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Canada you made a difference!
Support Canadians living with ALS on www.alsicebucketchallenge.ca. Thank you for your support!
Support the cause
You can make a difference.
Donations help fund groundbreaking ALS research, critical support, information and resources, and life-changing advocacy.