New Board members of ALS Canada 2023/24

The ALS Society of Canada (ALS Canada) is pleased to welcome Dr. Chantelle F. Sephton from Quebec and Craig Storey from Prince Edward Island to our Board of Directors. ALS Canada’s Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers from diverse backgrounds who have come together with a common goal of ensuring ALS Canada is well-governed, and donor dollars are maximized to serve our charitable purpose. 


Dr. Chantelle F. Sephton received her Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and her PhD in Psychiatry from the University of Saskatchewan. She completed her postdoctoral studies at the University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas under the mentorship of Dr. Gang Yu in the Department of Neuroscience. She started her lab at Université Laval in the CERVO Brain Research Centre in 2014 and is currently an Associate Professor in the department of psychiatry and neuroscience. 


Craig Storey holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial) from Dalhousie University (formerly Technical University of Nova Scotia), ICD.D, Directors Education Program (DEP) from Institute of Corporate Directors & Rotman School of Business and an Immersion Certificate from Cégep de Ste. Foy, Quebec City, Quebec. He has spent his career building stronger companies, typically in the Tech sector. Craig has extensive expertise in business development, mergers and acquisitions, product management, sales, marketing and channel management, enterprise software/SaaS, customer service, and change management. 


We asked our newest appointees to share a bit about their connection to the cause and what they hope to bring to the ALS community as a member of the Board. 


Dr. Sephton: I am a research scientist studying the underlying cause of ALS for more than 15 years. This has been a rewarding and challenging endeavour, and I am strongly encouraged by the collective contributions of my team and my colleagues toward a better understanding of the disease. We need to continue our collective search for an understanding of ALS and push the envelope to find better treatment options and a cure. Part of this pursuit involves other levels of contribution to the ALS community and to ALS Canada. As a member of the ALS Canada Board of Directors, I hope to contribute to the organization and its betterment by acting as an advocate for the ALS research community. By doing so, I hope to ensure that ALS research in Canada is flourishing and continues to advance our understanding of ALS, which will lead to new therapeutic approaches to treat and cure the disease. 


Craig: I have very close friends who have been impacted by ALS, which led me to become a member of the ALS Canada Board of Directors. If I could help prevent others from experiencing what they have and are continuing to experience, that would be a great win. In addition, I believe if we each try to make tomorrow better than today, we will leave this world a better place than we found it. I also wanted to put my effort into an area that had a larger impact. ALS Canada is a national charity, service, and research organization that ticked many boxes for me to want to be involved. 


Our entire Board is guided by the challenges and complexities of living with ALS, and its approach to governance is rooted in working together to improve the lives of people affected by ALS through support, advocacy, and investment in research for a future without ALS.  


We welcome Chantelle and Craig and look forward to working with them as members of our Board of Directors.

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