
Community Services Advisory Council

The Community Services Advisory Council is composed of individuals with a variety of experiences with ALS who provide input and perspectives to support ALS Canada in improving the journey of people and families living with ALS in Ontario. The Council serves in an advisory capacity to the Board, making recommendations for client service program delivery, community partnerships and provincial advocacy according to the strategic priorities.


Kim Barry
Vice-President, Community Services, ALS Canada

Lisa Flaifel
Director, ALS Canada Board of Directors

Scientific and Medical Advisory Council

The Scientific and Medical Advisory Council provides strategic advice to the Board and management of ALS Canada to ensure all research activities contribute to the vision of ALS Canada, are aligned with the organization’s strategic priorities, are informed by best practices, and are carried out with integrity. The Council also facilitates collaboration within the Canadian ALS research community and supports the Canadian ALS research community’s involvement in international initiatives.


Chantelle Sephton, PhD
ALS Canada Board Member; Associate Professor, Université Laval

Turgay Akay, PhD
Dalhousie University

Gary Armstrong, PhD
The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital), McGill University

Vanina Dal Bello-Haas, PhD, PT
McMaster University

Martin Duennwald, PhD
Western University

Wendy Johnston, MD
University of Alberta

Hanns Lochmüller, MD, PhD
University of Ottawa

Cali Orsulak, BscPharm, BCPS, CDE
Patient Community Representative

Robin Parks, PhD
University of Ottawa

Gerald Pfeffer, MD, PhD
University of Calgary

Janice Robertson, PhD
University of Toronto

Richard Robitaille, PhD
Université de Montréal

Kerri Schellenberg, MD
University of Saskatchewan

Paula Trefiak
Patient Community Representative


Colleen Doyle – Senior Manager, Research & CALS, ALS Canada

Richard Ellis – Chair, ALS Canada Board

Carolina Jung – Specialist, Research, ALS Canada

Tammy Moore – CEO, ALS Canada

Christen Shoesmith, MD – London Health Sciences Centre, CALS Chair (voting member)

David Taylor – Vice-President, Research and Strategic Partnerships, ALS Canada

Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee provides professional and personal insight to the Board of Directors and to Staff to help advance our advocacy program. This includes advising the organization on which ALS advocacy priorities to bring forward to government and how to achieve results most effectively. The committee also ensures that ALS Canada’s advocacy efforts align with our strategic plan and are undertaken with the utmost integrity. Members of this committee have a variety of experiences including people and families affected by the disease, government relations experts, health sector professionals, and leading academic ALS researchers.


Richard Ellis
Executive Coach, global business executive & communications expert

Carmen Cels
Director, People & Culture, Roche Canada; and caregiver to a loved one with ALS

Mike Cels
Person living with ALS, Retired from Pharmaceutical Sector

Lisa Flaifel
Vice President, General Medicine, Bayer

Dr. Angela Genge, MD, FRCP(C)
Director of the ALS Clinic and the Clinical Research Unit, The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital)

Darrell Kane
Person living with ALS, National Account Manager – eCommerce

Stephanie Mazzei
Consultant related to therapeutics, diagnostics, and digital health in cancer care

Tammy Moore (ex-officio, Staff)
CEO, ALS Canada

Patrick Nelson (ex-officio)
ALS Canada Board member; Principal, Santis Health; family member of a loved one who had ALS

Kris Noakes
ALS Canada Board member; Community Advocate, living with ALS

Dr. Karin Schnarr
Director, MBA Programs; Associate Professor, Policy & Law at the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University

Ilayda Ulgenalp (ex-officio, Staff)
Manager, Advocacy and Stakeholder Relations, ALS Canada